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How Do You Pronounce That

Do you know how to pronounce the ingredients on the cleaning products? Do you know what they mean? Do you know that those ingredients can be dangerous or even toxic? I'm here to explain and give examples of these items. When you enter any store, can you smell the cleaning aisle aisles away? Those products are sealed yet they still emit all the chemicals into the air through the plastic. Now let's look at our homes. There is a meter that measures the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in our homes. Average home has 50 ppb.

Here are some examples of products that make the meter jump: Pledge has 273 ppb (parts per billion), ingredients such as silicones, butane gas and propane are found in this product. Yet if you look at the ingredients, you won't find any on the can. There are no ingredients listed.

Companies are not required to list any ingredients. Johnson and Johnson baby bathing products have an ingredient called Quanterium-15, which is a form of formaldehyde when water is added. Funeral homes use ½ the embalming fluid (formaldehyde) they did years ago. It takes a body longer to decompose due to the high levels of formaldehyde. Clorox wipes come with more than 1,000 ppb.

Ingredients dimethyl benzyl ammonia chloride .145% and dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonia chloride are more pesticides, more danger and chemicals. Lysol disinfecting spray has around 1,200 parts per MILLION not billion or 1,000 times higher then the Clorox wipes. Lysol anti-bacterial action spray contains 79% enthanol, not just any ethanol but denatured ethanol. Also, ingredient alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride which is a pesticide.

Doesn't the commercial suggest spraying this around our children and their toys that they place in their mouths? Here are some of the ingredient names that are dangerous: parabens (butyl-, ethyl-, methyl-, propylparaben), sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), sodium fluoride, propylene glycol, padimente-O, octyl-methoxycinnamate, D&C colors, FD&C colors, formaldehyde (embalming fluid) or fragrance, just to name a few. You can go to http://www.scorecard.org/health-effects/ and see a list of ingredients. It prints 19 pages of ingredients that cause cancer aka carcinogens. After injuries, cancer is now the leading cause of death in children between the ages of 5 and 9.

Wow, that is terrible. Especially since most can be avoided. Childhood asthma has jumped by 400%. Why so high and so fast? It's the air we breathe.

We take over 24,000 breathes a day. Wouldn't you want those breathes to be clean? I know I would and it all starts in the home. It's bad enough the food we eat is over processed and vegetables are filled with pesticides that now after many years of consistent use of cleaning products we have a higher risk of cancer and chronic illnesses. I watched a t.v. show about the benefits of seaweed.

He said that the government is not looking to cure any disease or illness. They are looking to make these chronic illnesses treated by drugs. So here we are again. If you have been lucky enough to make it to an older age, you will now pay an enormous amount of money for your chronic illnesses, when you should be enjoying the fruits of your labor from working a job so many years.

Instead you are on a fixed income because your prescriptions are taking most of your income. I see this in the pharmacy all the time. It's not uncommon for an elderly person to pay $400.00 for a month's prescriptions. It's amazing. We've come so far but yet we haven't.

We have information at our fingertips with the internet. Yet we fail to act on that information. Everyday on the news they tell us what to eat and what not to eat.

They are trying to help us live healthier lives. Eating right and exercising is just the beginning. We need to rid our bodies of the free radicals that break down our systems. Free radicals are things that enter our bodies by ingestion or absorbing through our skin into our bloodstreams that breakdown our cells. By breaking down the good cells, we have less good ones to fight off disease and illnesses.

Chances are after reading this you are even more concerned then you were before about the products you bring in your home. What can you do? You could make your own products or you can find a company that has done the research, done the tests and have actual environmentally safer household products that are less expensive then store brands. Just make sure you can pronounce the words and you know what they can do before you use them. Check ingredients on products saying Natural or Sensitive, you might be surprised.

Email me at alanni9799@comcast.net or go to http://www.wahw.infinitepossibilitiesteam.com and request more information. You can do a google search and read my other articles.

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